Business Protection
In the event of a critical situation affecting business, suitable protection can minimise disruption.
Life Assurance
Ensures that if an employee dies while at work, appropriate measures are in place for loved ones to be cared for and for trustees to remain in control.
Permanent Health Insurance
Supports employers paying employees’ monthly wages during prolonged periods of absence. Additional benefits include incentives for employees to return to work, alleviating potential pressure on management. These measures might include regular health assessments, counselling and ongoing support.
Critical Illness Insurance
Allows an employer to pay a tax-free lump sum to any employee diagnosed with a critical or terminal illness (various providers cover different medical conditions). All policies and payouts are designed to support employees through recovery by relieving any financial burden.
Key Person Insurance
Takes into account the loss of profit a business would suffer in the event of a key person’s death or illness. A key person is anyone making a major contribution to a company’s profitability regardless of their position and rank. Also taken into account are any subsequent specialist skills and goodwill that may be lost, effect on business confidence, impact on clients/customers and also, the additional challenge of recruiting and training a successor.
Shareholder Protection & Cross Option Agreements
Gives remaining shareholders the legal right to buy shares following the unexpected death of shareholder, including the right to demand such a purchase. A Shareholder Protection policy provides the funding for share purchase and while often overlooked, can prove a valuable protective measure.