Bright Investment
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Kind Words
Courtiers is a professional organisation with knowledgeable, approachable staff who treat clients as individuals.
Graeme Clark helped us create a “decision tree” of the pension options and their implications for both protected and unprotected rights pensions. In due course, this will be a valuable prompt together with input from Courtiers for either one or both of us to make the most appropriate decision when the time arrives.
I have benefited from the advice and discussion leading to the decision to convert my Final Salary Pension into a SIPP, together with the breadth and depth of knowledge of Graeme Clark and his endless patience and enjoy having on-line access to my portfolios.
Central to the confidence we have in Courtiers are the people we have regular contact with, and most specifically Graeme Clark.
From R J Keefe
We are a couple who have been happily married for forty plus years and in our retirement now;
We wanted our ‘savings’ to be wisely invested where we could leave others to care for our investment without losing sleep in these troubled financial times. We decided to trust our future finances in low risk investments with Courtiers some years ago and have found them to be very genuine, knowledgeable and extremely helpful.
From Mr M & Mrs C McMillan
Courtiers have always provided an excellent service, good communications, sound advice and responsive to any questions.
I was particularly impressed and grateful for the trouble Courtiers took dealing with my Mother’s financial affairs, and the sensitive and personal approach as she became older and increasingly infirm.
Moving the management of my pension fund to Courtiers from a much larger concern was a revelation; suddenly we had a personal service which took the trouble to find out about our needs and to provide advice and guidance accordingly.
From Richard Hayes
My late husband initially used Courtiers for business reasons which progressed also to personal advice in investments, the company have since then given myself and family accurate and sound reasons to trust the judgement.
Since my husband passed away Jonathon Howard and Gary Reynolds have re-organised the investments held by us into a manageable package for myself to allow me a monthly income.
It is always possible to speak to someone at Courtiers if I need help or information and it is given in simple language which I can understand, being a woman and widow I really appreciate this.
It would be difficult to improve on the service I receive which works, well – If it’s not broken then do not fix it!
From Mrs Patricia Mary Holifield
Our overall feelings about Courtiers is they look after our interests well and have become our friends.
We wanted to maximise the benefit of our inheritance for our children and grandchildren. Gary and our solicitor worked hand-in-hand and crafted a will which exactly met our needs. We were very happy with the outcome. Interestingly, both Gary and our solicitor said they drew benefit from the exercise.
Courtiers give us Peace of mind. You can analyse it further if you wish, but sound performance over many years and complete trust in the staff and their judgement, allow us to feel very comfortable in our relationship with Courtiers. Continue the hard work finding profitable and sound sources of financial growth.
From Peter & Gwenda Vangucci
Courtiers are the most useful and honest Financial advisers we could wish for, with very happy and friendly staff always eager and polite to deal with. We have a long term association with Gary and Caroline and more recently Graeme.
When I retired I looked for tax free investment and have been delighted with the results of ISA investments as suggested by Gary.
From John & Mona Harmsworth
I have always found Courtiers a reliable, honest financial advisory firm that takes a personal interest in its clients, benefiting from annual visits from Graeme to review my finances and specific advice on how to get the best return on my savings.
Courtiers taking over my personal pension reduced the charges and they complete my tax return each year thus ensuring it is done on time and is accurate.
From Susan Hayes
Courtiers staff are always warm and positive, every contact gives 'good vibrations'.
We were introduced to Courtiers by our long time financial advisers and were glad to have personal contact with Graeme Clark.
We appreciate the biannual reports which help us to understand the current difficult financial situation. We relax because we know our personal resources are in the best personal hands, even if at the moment they have dipped a little.
Continue to send the occasional, very interesting, briefing papers.
From Peter & Cynthia Jennings
My overall feeling about Courtiers is very positive, specifically like the annual presentations and defensive strategy.
The receipt of regular emails on current positions enable both long and short term views and insights on the pressures affecting the markets.
From Jeffery Collard
Courtiers care for my money as if it were their own.
In a fast changing world, the annual get together with informative talks and market overview allow us to be kept informed on areas that Courtiers deal with.
From J P Critoph