Courtiers Wealth Management
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Courtiers Total Return Balanced Risk Fund

The following data is updated on weekdays from 13:00. Sources for all data are Courtiers Asset Management Limited and Morningstar Direct. Charts show daily fund prices since launch (05/03/2007). Based on total return, income reinvested, are net of charges, single pricing basis in UK pound sterling. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

Fund Size:
Data as of:

The Courtiers Total Return Balanced Risk Fund seeks to achieve a total return comprised of income and capital growth, over 5 years.

The Fund aims to achieve its objective through an actively managed portfolio of different assets held within the Fund. The above time horizon is not a recommendation to sell the investment at the end of that minimum period. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its objective over any particular period or at all.

The Fund will gain exposure to different asset classes worldwide, such as company shares, commodities, bonds, cash instruments and real estate such as property. At the ACD’s discretion, the Fund may be weighted to any one or more of these asset classes, provided such weighting is consistent with the Fund’s objectives.

Rather than buying directly into the above asset classes, the ACD intends to obtain exposure to them by investing in other security types such as funds managed by other specialist managers including those managed by the ACD, investments issued by banks or governments that are a short term loan to the issuer by the buyer, deposits and derivatives, the value of which is derived from one or another of the underlying investments noted above such as shares, commodities or the performance of a particular stock exchange. The risk of the underlying assets is considered, along with the prevailing market conditions.

The ACD will use their expertise to select investments and positions that deliver a high level of returns in a way that is efficient, low cost and in line with the Fund’s overall risk strategy.

To help investors to compare funds with broadly similar characteristics, the Investment Association (the trade body that represents the UK investment management industry) has grouped many funds sold in the UK into sectors.

Courtiers Total Return Balanced Risk Fund is classified in the Investment Association Mixed Investment 40-85% shares sector.
The above sector can be used by investors as a performance comparator.

Average risk investors keep money for capital expenditure, and emergencies, in deposit accounts and National Savings.

They are, however, prepared to accept risks with their medium to longer-term assets (over 5 years) and will expose these assets to broadly diversified portfolios that reflect movements in the major markets for stocks and shares. They accept that there are risks associated with this strategy and that there will be fluctuations in their capital value in the short term and are willing to accept a reasonable amount of fluctuation in the capital value of their investments.

Investor traits: Considered, some experience, takes measured risks, thinks long term.

Before making any decision to invest, please refer to the Key Investor Information Document. This includes useful information on performance, risks and charges of the Fund for each share class available.

For full details of the Fund’s charges, please see the Fund Charges and Costs section of our website.

If you would like to invest in the Courtiers Funds, please contact us.

Investment returns ending 05/02/2025

Investment Fund / IA Sector
Courtiers Total Return
Balanced Risk Fund
IA Mixed Investment
40-85% shares sector
3m 2.53% 4.75% 4
6m 3.62% 5.79% 3
1y 9.94% 12.36% 3
3y 2.43% 4.27% 4
5y 5.89% 5.27% 2
10y 6.36% 5.86% 1

Source: Morningstar Direct & Courtiers. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

This Fund is a Sub Fund of the Courtiers Investment Funds ICVC, which is authorised in the United Kingdom and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Fund is managed by Courtiers Asset Management Limited.

This communication is not intended to recommend the investment referred to. If you are at all unsure whether this investment is suitable for your circumstances, please seek advice from your financial adviser.

Please also remember that past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of your investment and any income you take from it may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. You might get back less than you invest. For full details of the Fund’s risks, please refer to the Fund’s Prospectus.

Past performance figures are in pounds sterling, and are based on the net asset value of the Fund. They are also calculated on the basis that any distributable income of the fund is reinvested, and are net of all charges.

Before making any decisions to invest, please refer to the relevant Key Investor Information Document, the Supplementary Information Document, the latest Annual or Interim Short Report, and the latest Prospectus. These documents can be obtained free of charge by contacting Courtiers Asset Management Limited.

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